無限の住人~幕末ノ章~ raw: Blade of the Immortal: Bakumatsu Arc is a thrilling and action-packed anime series that follows the story of a skilled samurai named Manji, who is cursed with immortality after killing 100 evil men. Set during the Bakumatsu period in Japan, Manji is hired by a young woman named Rin Asano to help avenge her parents' deaths at the hands of a group of skilled swordsmen known as the Itto-ryu. As Manji and Rin embark on their journey of revenge, they encounter a variety of formidable enemies and face numerous challenges. The Bakumatsu Arc delves deep into the political turmoil and social unrest of the era, adding an extra layer of complexity to the story. With its intense fight scenes, complex characters, and intricate plot twists, Blade of the Immortal: Bakumatsu Arc is a must-watch for fans of historical fiction and samurai anime. Get ready for a gripping and emotional rollercoaster ride as Manji and Rin navigate the dangerous world of swordsmanship and honor.
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