痴漢されそうになっているS級美少女を助けたら隣の席の幼馴染だった raw: [I have a childhood friend next to me. That’s all I need to know about this romantic comedy]. In this romantic comedy, Fushimi Hina, the most universally recognized S-class beauty in school, is a childhood friend of Ryo. Despite not speaking much during junior high and senior high school, a chance encounter on a crowded train leads them to reconnect. Hina begins to take care of Ryo and acts aggressively towards him, but Ryo is oblivious to the true meaning behind her actions. As their sweet, fleeting, and frustrating love story unfolds, the misunderstandings between childhood friends create a delightful and heartwarming tale. 満員電車で助けたのは、S級美少女の幼馴染だった。高校2年生の高森諒は、幼馴染の伏見姫奈を痴漢の魔の手から救う。姫奈とは中学以来ずっと疎遠だったが、その日から積極的なアプローチが始まって――。甘くて、淡くて、じれったい、幼馴染との至高のすれ違いラブストーリー。
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