剣聖の幼馴染がパワハラで俺につらく当たるので、絶縁して辺境で魔剣士として出直すことにした。 raw: Alfine, a sacred and childhood friend, was so harsh with her power harassment that Flick decided to cut ties with her. In a fresh start, Flick changed his appearance and name, becoming an adventurer known as Flick in a remote city. Despite only focusing on sword training in the past, Flick discovered he had an immense amount of magical power when a guild receptionist suggested measuring it. During this time, he encountered Noelia, a noble frontier daughter known as the "Infinite Magician," who proposed they investigate and compare their magical abilities. Overwhelmed by the situation, Flick blushed and fainted. What will happen next?
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剣聖の幼馴染がパワハラで俺につらく当たるので、絶縁して辺境で魔剣士として出直すことにした。 raw, 剣聖の幼馴染がパワハラで俺につらく当たるので、絶縁して辺境で魔剣士として出直すことにした。 manga raw, 剣聖の幼馴染がパワハラで俺につらく当たるので、絶縁して辺境で魔剣士として出直すことにした。 漫画raw, 剣聖の幼馴染がパワハラで俺につらく当たるので、絶縁して辺境で魔剣士として出直すことにした。 raw free