今日も来たんすか、依田先輩。 raw: In my hometown, this woman who relaxes as if it were her own home. She is Yoda Akari, a senior from the same high school and a friend of my sister. She commutes to school for two hours one way, so she practically lives at my house. I am constantly on edge being tossed around by the carefree and slightly airheaded Yoda senpai! A daily short love comedy of a natural devil sister and an otaku boy living under the same roof!
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今日も来たんすか、依田先輩。 raw, 今日も来たんすか、依田先輩。 manga raw, 今日も来たんすか、依田先輩。 漫画raw, 今日も来たんすか、依田先輩。 raw free