友人キャラの俺がモテまくるわけないだろ? raw: The story revolves around Tomoki Yuuki, a high school student who is often misunderstood due to his intimidating appearance. Despite this, his only friend, Ike Haruma, is always by his side. However, everything changes when Haruma's sister, Fuyuka, confesses to Tomoki and asks him to be her fake boyfriend. As Tomoki navigates this new role, he finds himself drawn into unexpected situations with Haruma's childhood friend and his attractive teacher. Suddenly, Tomoki, who is used to being a side character, is thrust into the spotlight of a romantic comedy scenario that he never imagined for himself. Will Tomoki be able to handle the attention and affection from these unexpected sources, or will he find himself overwhelmed by the sudden turn of events in his life? The stage is set for a hilarious and heartwarming story of misunderstandings, romance, and self-discovery in this new chapter of Tomoki's high school life.
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